









2014/12-2015/11,美国The Scripps Research Institute,博士后

2015/12-2017/05,美国Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center,博士后




1 肿瘤干细胞与肿瘤微环境的相互作用;

2 肽类药物的筛选与应用



1      国家自然科学基金青年项目,人胚胎干细胞来源的内皮细胞对乳腺癌肺转移灶形成的抑制作用,项目编号81402407,起止时间2015/01-2017/12

2      天津市应用基础与前沿技术青年项目,利用活体成像探讨hESC-ECs对乳腺癌肺转移的抑制作用,项目编号15JCQNJC11700,起止时间2015/04-2018/03

3      国家自然科学基金面上项目,哺乳动物细胞中基于线性双链DNA“与门逻辑基因线路的肽库构建新策略,项目编号31971388,起止时间2020/01-2023/12



1. Li S, Su W, Zhang C. Linear double-stranded DNAs as innovative biological parts to implement genetic circuits in mammalian cells. FEBS J. 2019 Jun;286(12):2341-2354.(并列第一作者)


2. Su W, Hong L, Xu X, Huang S, Herpai D, Li L, Xu Y, Truong L, Hu WY, Wu X, Xiao C, Zhang W, Han J, Debinski W, Xiang R, Sun P. miR-30 disrupts senescence and promotes cancer by targeting both p16 INK4A and DNA damage pathways. Oncogene. 2018 Oct;37(42):5618-5632.


3. Luo X, Huang S, He N, Liu C, Chen Y, Liu Y, Mi X, Li N, Sun P, Li Z, Xiang R, Su W. Inflammatory Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Stem Cell-Like Characteristics of Cancer Cells in an IL-1 β-Dependent Manner. Biomed Res Int. 2018 Feb 18;2018:7096707.


4. Liu C, Li Z, Wang L, Tong L, He N, Chen Y, Liu Y, Wu Z, Sun P, Xiang R, Ren G, Su W. Activating transcription factor 4 promotes angiogenesis of breast cancer through enhanced macrophage recruitment. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:974615.


5. Wang L, Su W, Du W, Xu Y, Wang L, Kong D, Han Z, Zheng G, Li Z. Gene and MicroRNA Profiling of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Cells. Stem Cell Rev. 11(2):pp219-27, 2015.(并列第一作者)


6. Su W, Leng L, Han Z, He Z, Li Z. Bioluminescence imaging of human embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells for treatment of myocardial infarction. Methods Mol Biol. 2013;1052:203-15.


7. Wang L, Su W, Liu Z, Zhou M, Chen S, Chen Y, Lu D, Liu Y, Fan Y, Zheng Y, Wu J, Xiang R, Li Z. CD44 Antibody-Targeted Liposomal Nanoparticles for Molecular Imaging and Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biomaterials, 33(20), pp5107-5114, 2012.(并列第一作者)


8. Su W, Wang L, Zhou M, Liu Z, Hu S, Tong L, Liu Y, Fan Y, Kong D, Zheng Y, Han Z, Wu J, Xiang R, Li Z. Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Endothelial Cells as Cellular Delivery Vehicles for Targeting Therapy of Metastatic Breast Cancer. Cell Transplantation, 22(11), pp2079-2090, 2013.


9. Su W, Zhou M, Zheng Y, Fan Y, Han Z, Kong D, Wu J, Xiang R, Li Z. Bioluminescence Reporter Gene Imaging Characterize Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Teratoma Formation. J Cellular Biochemistry, 112(3), pp840–848, 2011.



1  病理学(临床医学5+3学制&口腔医学系五年制)

2  Pathology (MBBS留学生)

3  病理学技术(硕士研究生)

4  认识肿瘤(校级公选课)



1  通讯地址:天津市南开区卫津路94

2  电话:13516173105

3  E-mailsuweijun@nankai.edu.cn
