2017年3月-2017年9月 日本札幌祯心会医院,访问学者
2016.11-至今 天津市第一中心医院,主任医师
Li W, Chae R, Rubio RR, Benet A, Meybodi AT, Feng X, Huang G,El-Sayed IH. Characterization of Anatomical Landmarks for Exposingthe Internal Carotid Artery in the Infratemporal Fossa Through anEndoscopic Transmasticator Approach: A Morphometric Cadaveric Study.World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul 31. pii:S1878-8750(19)32101-1.
Wu Tengling; Xu Ziyang; Zhang Yinyu; Wang Hongbo; Cui Chunyan; ChangBinge; Feng Xuequan; Liu Wenguang, A pH-ResponsiveBiodegradable High-Strength Hydrogel as Potential Gastric ResidentFiller, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 303(10), pp1800290, 2018-10.
Rodriguez Rubio R, Kola O, Tayebi Meybodi A, Tabani H, Feng X,Burkhardt JK, Yousef S, Lawton MT, Benet A. Minimally InvasiveExposure of the Maxillary Artery at the Anteromedial InfratemporalFossa. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2019 Jan1;16(1):79-85. doi:10.1093/ons/opy051. PubMed PMID: 29660062.
Wang L, He J, Zhu L, Wang Y, Feng X, Chang B, Karahan HE,Chen Y. Assembly of pi-functionalized quaternary ammonium compoundswith graphene hydrogel for efficient water disinfection. J ColloidInterface Sci. 2019 Feb 1; 535:149-158.
Li W, Chae R, Rubio RR, Benet A, Meybodi AT, Feng X, Huang G,El-Sayed IH. Characterization of Anatomical Landmarks for Exposingthe Internal Carotid Artery in the Infratemporal Fossa through anEndoscopic Transmasticator Approach: A Morphometric Cadaveric Study.World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul 31. pii: S1878-8750(19)32101-1. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2019.07.185. [Epub ahead of print]PubMed PMID:31376554.
Yinyu Zhang, Haijun Gao, Hao Wang, Ziyang Xu, Xiaowei Chen, Bo Liu,Yuan Shi, Ying Lu, Lianfang Wen, Yan Li, Zhisheng Li, Yongfeng Men,Xuequan Feng*, Wenguang Liu*. Radiopaque Highly Stiff and ToughShape Memory Hydrogel Microcoils for Permanent Embolization ofArteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28 (9) :1705962.[IF:13.325] (通讯作者)
Bing Xu, Pengbin Zheng, Fei Gao, Wei Wang, Hongtao Zhang, XuranZhang, Xuequan Feng* ,Wenguang Liu*.A Mineralized High Strength and Tough Hydrogel for Skull BoneRegeneration. Advanced Functional Materials. 2017, 27(4): 1604327.[SCI, IF:11.382](通讯作者)
Benet A, Feng X, Lawton MT. V3 Vertebral Artery to AnteriorInferior Cerebellar Artery Bypass With Saphenous Vein Graft forVertebrobasilar Ischemia: 3-Dimensional Operative Video. OperNeurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017 Feb 1;13(1):159.
Benet A, Meybodi AT, Feng X, Lawton MT. Internal MaxillaryArtery to M2 Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass With Modified SuperficialTemporal Artery Graft:3-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg(Hagerstown). 2017 Apr 1;13(2):280.
Feng X, Meybodi AT, Rincon-Torroella J, El-Sayed IH, LawtonMT, Benet A.Surgical Technique for High-Flow Internal MaxillaryArtery to Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass Using a Superficial TemporalArtery Interposition Graft. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017 Apr1;13(2):246-257.
Meybodi AT, Lawton MT, El-Sayed I, Davies J, Tabani H, Feng X,Benet A. The Infrazygomatic Segment of the Superficial TemporalArtery: Anatomy and Technique for Harvesting a Better InterpositionGraft. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017,Aug 1;13(4):517-521.
Tayebi Meybodi A, Lawton MT, Rodriguez Rubio R, Yousef S, Guo X,Feng X, Benet A. Internal Maxillary Artery to Upper PosteriorCirculation Bypass Using a Superficial Temporal Artery Graft:Surgical Anatomy and Feasibility Assessment.World Neurosurg. 2017Nov;107:314-321.
Zhang X, Tabani H, El-Sayed I, Russell M, Feng X, Benet A.The Endoscopic Endonasal Transmaxillary Approach to Meckel's CaveThrough the Inferior Orbital Fissure. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown).2017 Jun 1;13(3):367-373.
Shi X, Gao H, Dai F, Feng X*, Liu W*.A thermoresponsive supramolecular copolymer hydrogel for theembolization of kidney arteries. Biomater Sci. 2016 Oct18;4(11):1673-1681. [SCI, IF:3.620](通讯作者)
Tayebi Meybodi A, Lawton MT, Feng X, Benet A. Posteriorinferior cerebellar artery reimplantation: buffer lengths,perforator anatomy, and technical limitations. J Neurosurg. 2016Oct;125(4):909-914. [SCI, IF:3.650]
Jun Liu, Zhengkun Zhu, Rui Guo, Biao Zhang, Xinnv Xu, Li Chen,Jinghuan Wang, Jordina Rincon-Torroella, Arnau Benet, XuequanFeng*. Molecular mechanisms of basicfibroblastic growth factor upregulates connexin43 expression in thehuman glioblastoma cells. Int J Clin Exp Pathol,2016;9(7):7276-7284. [SCI, IF:1.581](通讯作者)
L. Chen,X.Feng,Y.Wang,X.Xu,C.Wan,J.Wang,H.Mu. A Study of the Role of Transforming Growth Factor β-1 in OrganDamage Protection in Porcine Model of Brain Death. TransplantationProceedings, 2016.1.2,48(1):205-209.[Co-first author] [SCI, IF:0.867]
Feng X, Lawton MT, Rincon-Torroella J, El-Sayed IH, MeybodiAT, Benet A. The Lateral Triangle of the Middle Fossa: SurgicalAnatomy and a Novel Technique for Transcranial Exposure of theInternal Maxillary Artery. Neurosurgery. 2016, 12 (2):106-111.[SCI, IF:3.650]