郭雅图 硕士研究生导师






  1. 教育经历


2007.9-2012.7天津医科大学研究生院 硕博连读 博士研究生

2011.9-2012.3Johns Hopkins University Joint Ph.D

  1. 工作经历

2012.9-2013.9 天津市眼科医院住院医师


2019.12-至今 天津市眼科医院 副主任医师

  1. 研究方向(可以填写多个方向

  1. 临床应用研究:眼外肌病的眼外肌结构及功能性改变;斜视弱视患者及特殊人群患者皮层认知功能性改变;成人弱视的治疗

  2. 基础应用研究:





  1. 学术兼职



天津市医学会眼科学分会眼视光学组 委员


  1. 代表性学术论文

1. GuoY,Zhang H, Chen X, Yang X, Cheng W, Zhao K. Association of TP53polymorphisms with primary open-angle glaucoma: a meta-analysis.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 2012-06-20;53(7):3756-63.

2. GuoY,Huang S, de Pasquale R, McGehrin K, Lee HK, Zhao K, et al. Darkexposure extends the integration window for spike-timing-dependent plasticity. J NEUROSCI. 2012 2012-10-24;32(43):15027-35.

3. HuangS, Treviño M, He K, Ardiles A, Pasquale R, GuoY,et al. Pull-push neuromodulation of LTP and LTD enables bidirectionalexperience-induced synaptic scaling in visual cortex. NEURON. 20122012-02-09;73(3):497-510.

4. GuoY,Chen X, Zhang H, Li N, Yang X, Cheng W, et al. Association of OPA1polymorphisms with NTG and HTG: a meta-analysis. PLOS ONE. 20122012-01-20;7(8):e42387.

5. GuoY,Zhao K. [The developmental switch of visual cortex NMDA receptor NR2subunits and its implications for visual plasticity]. Zhonghua YanKe Za Zhi. 2015 2015-06-01;51(6):470-6.

6. GuoY,Zhang W, Chen X, Fu J, Cheng W, Song D, et al. Timing-dependent LTPand LTD in mouse primary visual cortex following different visualdeprivation models. PLOS ONE. 2017 2017-01-20;12(5):e176603.

7. CaoX,Guo Y,Wang Y, Wang H, Liu D, Gong Y, et al. Effects of high-fat diet andApoe deficiency on retinal structure and function in mice. Sci Rep.2020 2020-11-02;10(1):18601.

8. GongY, Wang X, Wang Y, Hao P, Wang H, GuoY,et al. The effect of a chrysanthemum water extract in protecting theretina of mice from light damage. BMC Complement Med Ther. 20222022-08-26;22(1):224.

9. LiY, Li HX, Liu YC, GuoYT,Gao JM, Wu B, et al. Comparison of immersion ultrasound and lowcoherence reflectometry for ocular biometry in cataract patients.Int J Ophthalmol. 2018 2018-01-20;11(6):966-9.

10. WangH, Wang J, Liu Y, Ji Y, GuoY,Zhao J. Interaction mechanism of carnosic acid against glycosidase(α-amylase and α-glucosidase). INT J BIOL MACROMOL. 20192019-10-01;138:846-53.

11. ChengJ, Liu Y, Liu Y, Liu D, Liu Y, Guo Y, et al. Ursolic acid alleviateslipid accumulation by activating the AMPK signaling pathway in vivoand in vitro. J FOOD SCI. 2020 2020-11-01;85(11):3998-4008.

12. WangH, Yan Y, Feng X, Wu Z,Guo Y,Li H, et al. Improved physicochemical stability of emulsions enrichedin lutein by a combination of chlorogenic acid-whey proteinisolate-dextran and vitamin E. J FOOD SCI. 20202020-10-01;85(10):3323-32.

13. WangH, Liu D, Ji Y, Liu Y, Xu L, GuoY.Dietary Supplementation of Black Rice Anthocyanin Extract RegulatesCholesterol Metabolism and Improves Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis inC57BL/6J Mice Fed a High-Fat and Cholesterol Diet. MOL NUTR FOODRES. 2020 2020-04-01;64(8):e1900876.

14. HanY, GuoY,Cui SW, Li H, Shan Y, Wang H. Purple Sweet Potato Extract extendslifespan by activating autophagy pathway in male Drosophilamelanogaster. EXP GERONTOL. 2021 2021-02-01;144:111190.

15. TianL, GuoYT,Ying M, Liu YC, Li X, Wang Y. Co-existence of myopia and amblyopia ina guinea pig model with monocular form deprivation. Ann Transl Med.2021 2021-01-01;9(2):110.

16. LiuY, Liu Y, GuoY,Xu L, Wang H. Phlorizin exerts potent effects against aging inducedby D-galactose in mice and PC12 cells. FOOD FUNCT. 20212021-03-15;12(5):2148-60.

17. ZhangX, Wang H, Han Y, Pei Y, Guo Y, Cui SW. Purple sweet potato extractmaintains intestinal homeostasis and extend lifespan throughincreasing autophagy in female Drosophila melanogaster. J FOODBIOCHEM. 2021 2021-07-15:e13861.

18. LiuD, Ji Y,Guo Y,Wang H, Wu Z, Li H, et al. Dietar1111111983111采集11 19830808ySupplementation of Apple Phlorizin Attenuates the Redox State Relatedto Gut Microbiota Homeostasis in C57BL/6J Mice Fed with a High-FatDiet. J Agric Food Chem. 2021 2021-01-13;69(1):198-211.

19. LiuD, Ji Y, Wang K, GuoY,Wang H, Zhang H, et al. Purple sweet potato anthocyanin extractregulates redox state related to gut microbiota homeostasis in obesemice. J FOOD SCI. 2022 2022-05-01;87(5):2133-46.

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  1. 联系方式


